Martin Kaufmann
Hin & Her

Eight relief prints, number and signed, 47.5 x 38.5 / 38.5 x 53 cm, on white Zerkall mould made paper, 145 g/m².
Printed in the "Druckatelier am Buchdruckerweg" in Bern.
The relief prints were produced in connection with the artist's book "Hin & Her" in a limited print-run of 6 copies and III EA.

Martin Kaufmann
Hin & Her

Eight relief prints, number and signed, 47.5 x 38.5 / 38.5 x 53 cm, on white Zerkall mould made paper, 145 g/m².
Printed in the "Druckatelier am Buchdruckerweg" in Bern.
The relief prints were produced in connection with the artist's book "Hin & Her" in a limited print-run of 6 copies and III EA.